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ترتيب حسب:
Universal Service in a Competitive Local Exchange Telecommunications Environment
لـ Donald. M. Gale | Dissertation.Com. - DO NOT USE | 22/05/2006
ورقي غلاف عادي
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Economic Sanctions as an Instrument of U.S. Foreign Policy: The Case of the U.S. Embargo against Cuba
لـ Helen Osieja | Dissertation.Com. - DO NOT USE | 24/04/2006
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International Business Operations and the Impact of Political Environment: A Conceptual Frame Work Based on a Four-Industry Study
لـ Rashid Saber | Dissertation.Com. - DO NOT USE | 24/04/2006
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A Strategic Approach to the Environmentally Sustainable Business: The Essence of the Dissertation
لـ Hiroshi Fukushi | Dissertation.Com. - DO NOT USE | 27/03/2006
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CENTENNIAL RUMINATION on Max Weber's "The Protestant Ethic and The Spirit of Capitalism"
لـ Isaacs Mark | Dissertation.Com. - DO NOT USE | 13/03/2006
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NHS Complaints Managers: A Study of the Conflicts and Tensions in their Role
لـ Clare Xanthos | Dissertation.Com. - DO NOT USE | 10/03/2006
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The Art of Inclusion: Success Stories of African Americans in the Nonprofit Sector
لـ Norris Dorsey | Dissertation.Com. - DO NOT USE | 06/03/2006
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Brown Dwarf Companions to Young Solar Analogs: An Adaptive Optics Survey Using Palomar and Keck
لـ Stanimir. A. Metchev | Dissertation.Com. - DO NOT USE | 13/02/2006
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