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Assessment of Trade and Identification of Prospects for the Development of International Trading Companies in the ESCWA member Countries

(0)    التعليقات: 0 المرتبة: 505,840

Assessment of Trade and Identification of Prospects for the Development of International Trading Companies in the ESCWA member Countries
السعر غير متوفر
بإمكانك إضافة الكتاب إلى الطلبية وسيتم إعلامك بالسعر فور توفره
Assessment of Trade and Identification of Prospects for the Development of International Trading Companies in the ESCWA member Countries
تاريخ النشر: 01/01/1997
الناشر: الإسكوا
النوع: ورقي غلاف عادي
نبذة roaLWtvXaYالناشر:This bfNaF9u5uuis 4LrN2iom9Kthe L9PjykkDvcfirst 2IkDTuI8Hqstudy IlvkOQ8wUNof eiYAndAEMuits X2IrCuAY4Gkind KrPRbzMFFSin nYTS9TTUqQthe 5evmDRNdStregion pjCndXDgyYand A694h9h1tTis LPInMF7Doubased WIWlCevGPkon pMwBp0fBeEcountry JWT0SKLpKHcase 2a3db3iXBdstudies: NLkjD9tg8NBahrain, AEyTU0YXD3Egypt, Cf6itpTsAxJordan 1sab19LKFTand rFr8gwLjtcUnited dutJKHPcZnArab oaPKWiEx3WEmirates. xosTK8Y9c7It OK0yuG9AAsdiscusses sJVsFqZRk9the 3oqHOYcJ9Mtransition TRa4JNbrppof jd7JDYD0ottrading ihXdeAuBTFcompanies EzCYJLJ2T2in pHB5YYrQe1promoting vcvOEM47Zjexports tJHUVULia2and oLqweKP4pprationalizing iNx4jCdXt7imports, SMcJIPaRjeand mjPnLUV9K4deals 7aRJaPmOKtwith QYYdiLJQXztrading K9Tkc99krzcompanies Qfnz0S6CJ4and CwgZyyuLe0trade lekkt9qGGbpractices RcwlNLKyeAin Qgh57o35VOthe OwfrnL5cgbcountries Bz6HmA05mXselected, X7HNte7qof...and fwU3xu7e8bmakes RIsc9qkKSFrecommendations. o8R91RYB9j

إقرأ المزيد
Assessment of Trade and Identification of Prospects for the Development of International Trading Companies in the ESCWA member Countries
Assessment of Trade and Identification of Prospects for the Development of International Trading Companies in the ESCWA member Countries
(0)    التعليقات: 0 المرتبة: 505,840

تاريخ النشر: 01/01/1997
الناشر: الإسكوا
النوع: ورقي غلاف عادي
نبذة roaLWtvXaYالناشر:This bfNaF9u5uuis 4LrN2iom9Kthe L9PjykkDvcfirst 2IkDTuI8Hqstudy IlvkOQ8wUNof eiYAndAEMuits X2IrCuAY4Gkind KrPRbzMFFSin nYTS9TTUqQthe 5evmDRNdStregion pjCndXDgyYand A694h9h1tTis LPInMF7Doubased WIWlCevGPkon pMwBp0fBeEcountry JWT0SKLpKHcase 2a3db3iXBdstudies: NLkjD9tg8NBahrain, AEyTU0YXD3Egypt, Cf6itpTsAxJordan 1sab19LKFTand rFr8gwLjtcUnited dutJKHPcZnArab oaPKWiEx3WEmirates. xosTK8Y9c7It OK0yuG9AAsdiscusses sJVsFqZRk9the 3oqHOYcJ9Mtransition TRa4JNbrppof jd7JDYD0ottrading ihXdeAuBTFcompanies EzCYJLJ2T2in pHB5YYrQe1promoting vcvOEM47Zjexports tJHUVULia2and oLqweKP4pprationalizing iNx4jCdXt7imports, SMcJIPaRjeand mjPnLUV9K4deals 7aRJaPmOKtwith QYYdiLJQXztrading K9Tkc99krzcompanies Qfnz0S6CJ4and CwgZyyuLe0trade lekkt9qGGbpractices RcwlNLKyeAin Qgh57o35VOthe OwfrnL5cgbcountries Bz6HmA05mXselected, X7HNte7qof...and fwU3xu7e8bmakes RIsc9qkKSFrecommendations. o8R91RYB9j

إقرأ المزيد
السعر غير متوفر
بإمكانك إضافة الكتاب إلى الطلبية وسيتم إعلامك بالسعر فور توفره
Assessment of Trade and Identification of Prospects for the Development of International Trading Companies in the ESCWA member Countries

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  • الزبائن الذين شاهدوا هذا البند شاهدوا أيضاً

معلومات إضافية عن الكتاب

لغة: إنكليزي
طبعة: 1
حجم: 24×17
مجلدات: 1

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