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Challenges and Oportunities of the New International Trade Agreements (Uruguay Round) for ESCWA member Countries in Selected Sectors: Agriculture Under GATT and WTO, with Special Reference to Egypt

(0)    التعليقات: 0 المرتبة: 393,645

Challenges and Oportunities of the New International Trade Agreements (Uruguay Round) for ESCWA member Countries in Selected Sectors: Agriculture Under GATT and WTO, with Special Reference to Egypt
السعر غير متوفر
بإمكانك إضافة الكتاب إلى الطلبية وسيتم إعلامك بالسعر فور توفره
Challenges and Oportunities of the New International Trade Agreements (Uruguay Round) for ESCWA member Countries in Selected Sectors: Agriculture Under GATT and WTO, with Special Reference to Egypt
تاريخ النشر: 01/01/1998
الناشر: الإسكوا
النوع: ورقي غلاف عادي
نبذة cVz6D0hYATالناشر:The GY2RI7t0whobjective NrgVpjT6nJis K2YODbARnrto jvi6LM0Znqstudy 9VuapVPNPuhow pmL2jOannHthe GMWe9sjkkNchanges k4S7LZHXyScreated wWb4c8UrW7by LVLPUw0pc8GATT LECckwEOqumay hmYFlTK3cbbe I3yncyrcmomet ZrVBg2u0TQand CfbCZy8gEathe WgnazSgp0Wresulting eBBbEZBxytopportunities zKjwIC27xNutilized, AlIlCSeUcxas Vea8LbN08awell 8KRkLl81C7as 2k2vv34pIVto URuaIuKmUGalert Z29xQ1ExKqESCWA VorgGKnOLSmember ixAmpppQLrcountries LUf6g0mDPEto yFPs0GzoE8the g6KcyBAVhApossible LXVsOaiw0Gnegative yT0htMRimTefforts 1amOkPkdGPthat IAwo4LUwN9may ydp8Jw7DSWarise UsJyKKLhi9from 1eZu88xUnSmembership 2vEnvXVoeXin TQvU5q29Osthe aMoOhto6aLWTO 0lp05zXvcWand ZxcupkSezRhow gzg6SogZfbto JZoCYHBvZFavoid CF62DMJ5z8them. LjGsEJfurPThe s8pbn0iKFSstudy Twp4oKDpBfexamined OmAhAzt68othe CgejnEq5NDgeneral E0yRoo5Me5...and fZ4lbfHhKYspecific QnMrqMrfQTcommitments uJM8LOYT4mto FQ1diMn4ihEgypt 8itZXqxgBLand 7Z7uJGn6Jwthe rYoyt0wIiNEuropean yy7IWmqWkvCommunity rRrrqPUGEMto ystWZi55FXillustrate 4Z9XnH3xHxhow pAVoeJG7iNmajor p1eGpgfkSOissues svqwBBTEeSconcerning Xw9gw8GeRqagriculture L8W3IdVBIgin CRP4f5jyXNGATT 1c3zZ438jrare JaCCcuIyXyaddressed Qr69qfReaCin XhrezJewdPthe kXrrGBpm1Uprocess vVLy7Ig5jTof lX8RDBSycDtrade pmvin4aOBYliberalization. 1FnqgcG4h2

إقرأ المزيد
Challenges and Oportunities of the New International Trade Agreements (Uruguay Round) for ESCWA member Countries in Selected Sectors: Agriculture Under GATT and WTO, with Special Reference to Egypt
Challenges and Oportunities of the New International Trade Agreements (Uruguay Round) for ESCWA member Countries in Selected Sectors: Agriculture Under GATT and WTO, with Special Reference to Egypt
(0)    التعليقات: 0 المرتبة: 393,645

تاريخ النشر: 01/01/1998
الناشر: الإسكوا
النوع: ورقي غلاف عادي
نبذة cVz6D0hYATالناشر:The GY2RI7t0whobjective NrgVpjT6nJis K2YODbARnrto jvi6LM0Znqstudy 9VuapVPNPuhow pmL2jOannHthe GMWe9sjkkNchanges k4S7LZHXyScreated wWb4c8UrW7by LVLPUw0pc8GATT LECckwEOqumay hmYFlTK3cbbe I3yncyrcmomet ZrVBg2u0TQand CfbCZy8gEathe WgnazSgp0Wresulting eBBbEZBxytopportunities zKjwIC27xNutilized, AlIlCSeUcxas Vea8LbN08awell 8KRkLl81C7as 2k2vv34pIVto URuaIuKmUGalert Z29xQ1ExKqESCWA VorgGKnOLSmember ixAmpppQLrcountries LUf6g0mDPEto yFPs0GzoE8the g6KcyBAVhApossible LXVsOaiw0Gnegative yT0htMRimTefforts 1amOkPkdGPthat IAwo4LUwN9may ydp8Jw7DSWarise UsJyKKLhi9from 1eZu88xUnSmembership 2vEnvXVoeXin TQvU5q29Osthe aMoOhto6aLWTO 0lp05zXvcWand ZxcupkSezRhow gzg6SogZfbto JZoCYHBvZFavoid CF62DMJ5z8them. LjGsEJfurPThe s8pbn0iKFSstudy Twp4oKDpBfexamined OmAhAzt68othe CgejnEq5NDgeneral E0yRoo5Me5...and fZ4lbfHhKYspecific QnMrqMrfQTcommitments uJM8LOYT4mto FQ1diMn4ihEgypt 8itZXqxgBLand 7Z7uJGn6Jwthe rYoyt0wIiNEuropean yy7IWmqWkvCommunity rRrrqPUGEMto ystWZi55FXillustrate 4Z9XnH3xHxhow pAVoeJG7iNmajor p1eGpgfkSOissues svqwBBTEeSconcerning Xw9gw8GeRqagriculture L8W3IdVBIgin CRP4f5jyXNGATT 1c3zZ438jrare JaCCcuIyXyaddressed Qr69qfReaCin XhrezJewdPthe kXrrGBpm1Uprocess vVLy7Ig5jTof lX8RDBSycDtrade pmvin4aOBYliberalization. 1FnqgcG4h2

إقرأ المزيد
السعر غير متوفر
بإمكانك إضافة الكتاب إلى الطلبية وسيتم إعلامك بالسعر فور توفره
Challenges and Oportunities of the New International Trade Agreements (Uruguay Round) for ESCWA member Countries in Selected Sectors: Agriculture Under GATT and WTO, with Special Reference to Egypt

  • الزبائن الذين اشتروا هذا البند اشتروا أيضاً
  • الزبائن الذين شاهدوا هذا البند شاهدوا أيضاً

معلومات إضافية عن الكتاب

لغة: إنكليزي
طبعة: 1
حجم: 24×17
مجلدات: 1

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