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Feasibility and Operationalizationof Micro - Credit Lending Facilities for Poor Women in Urban and Rural Areas in Selected Arab Countries: Theoretical Perspectives and Practical Considerations

(0)    التعليقات: 0 المرتبة: 320,419

Feasibility and Operationalizationof Micro - Credit Lending Facilities for Poor Women in Urban and Rural Areas in Selected Arab Countries: Theoretical Perspectives and Practical Considerations
السعر غير متوفر
بإمكانك إضافة الكتاب إلى الطلبية وسيتم إعلامك بالسعر فور توفره
Feasibility and Operationalizationof Micro - Credit Lending Facilities for Poor Women in Urban and Rural Areas in Selected Arab Countries: Theoretical Perspectives and Practical Considerations
تاريخ النشر: 01/01/1998
الناشر: الإسكوا
النوع: ورقي غلاف عادي
نبذة 6RkoKieG17الناشر:This tuz1z35Ehxpaper aR8Bj1tLaVcontributes zCdBT3gZhqto l9iRT8bZt6the BlTQNnTTeUlink YDGfG2q9gHbetween Wex2mbJqRmmicro-credit YEreuoSwYFfinance iwUxCRCck3and QdSWjwY2ELpoverty OCb36tlBVralleviation i4kLyzt0zEin JGgZGVWF68three A23n2Pv3Biselected Gbq3TX4hxTArab cYB0bhwlwjcountries; HPFX2ra7TSLebanon, dBHr9IpngTTunisia 3Ohl6Lz4lUand tjGsL1FCaCYemen. W7xPPLqkbDThe 2ifNr3Iu3paim 3hV9z45pPhis cXmO76rCFuto vo2R4ke4aTaddress slKUJPkzqVtwo QbE5Be6BQvconcerns: LfYI5Npefo(1) Zao7Y2mBerthe V2mTNtT8qZextent oMmPhmwbZ7micro-credit Agtb7PWIfJcontributes 2DxzKT4e6Lto 5rXqamYJZLthe EkLi1PIkX8alleviation Hl3R8UpXfyof tsgobisdbTthe 2mTDeQ2pI6poverty lSq8dSygspof 8aEAsmexgSpoor wEjefuCyMqwomen; 3aokmKbilsand TlUVW2Ssk2(2) MEi1IQJm3Sif q0Ebx8VunSand l6lX9lTyrohow MkoUOx2yLGmicro-credit aYqCcTRSyZfunctions fyeBQRtv3xas 7l5NggVTx0...a fxSRRwOSVomeans Db0CiofWe8of eGGoJZ4Nw6empowering 98vyTSPwUtwomen. cKJN46lBE2

إقرأ المزيد
Feasibility and Operationalizationof Micro - Credit Lending Facilities for Poor Women in Urban and Rural Areas in Selected Arab Countries: Theoretical Perspectives and Practical Considerations
Feasibility and Operationalizationof Micro - Credit Lending Facilities for Poor Women in Urban and Rural Areas in Selected Arab Countries: Theoretical Perspectives and Practical Considerations
(0)    التعليقات: 0 المرتبة: 320,419

تاريخ النشر: 01/01/1998
الناشر: الإسكوا
النوع: ورقي غلاف عادي
نبذة 6RkoKieG17الناشر:This tuz1z35Ehxpaper aR8Bj1tLaVcontributes zCdBT3gZhqto l9iRT8bZt6the BlTQNnTTeUlink YDGfG2q9gHbetween Wex2mbJqRmmicro-credit YEreuoSwYFfinance iwUxCRCck3and QdSWjwY2ELpoverty OCb36tlBVralleviation i4kLyzt0zEin JGgZGVWF68three A23n2Pv3Biselected Gbq3TX4hxTArab cYB0bhwlwjcountries; HPFX2ra7TSLebanon, dBHr9IpngTTunisia 3Ohl6Lz4lUand tjGsL1FCaCYemen. W7xPPLqkbDThe 2ifNr3Iu3paim 3hV9z45pPhis cXmO76rCFuto vo2R4ke4aTaddress slKUJPkzqVtwo QbE5Be6BQvconcerns: LfYI5Npefo(1) Zao7Y2mBerthe V2mTNtT8qZextent oMmPhmwbZ7micro-credit Agtb7PWIfJcontributes 2DxzKT4e6Lto 5rXqamYJZLthe EkLi1PIkX8alleviation Hl3R8UpXfyof tsgobisdbTthe 2mTDeQ2pI6poverty lSq8dSygspof 8aEAsmexgSpoor wEjefuCyMqwomen; 3aokmKbilsand TlUVW2Ssk2(2) MEi1IQJm3Sif q0Ebx8VunSand l6lX9lTyrohow MkoUOx2yLGmicro-credit aYqCcTRSyZfunctions fyeBQRtv3xas 7l5NggVTx0...a fxSRRwOSVomeans Db0CiofWe8of eGGoJZ4Nw6empowering 98vyTSPwUtwomen. cKJN46lBE2

إقرأ المزيد
السعر غير متوفر
بإمكانك إضافة الكتاب إلى الطلبية وسيتم إعلامك بالسعر فور توفره
Feasibility and Operationalizationof Micro - Credit Lending Facilities for Poor Women in Urban and Rural Areas in Selected Arab Countries: Theoretical Perspectives and Practical Considerations

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  • الزبائن الذين شاهدوا هذا البند شاهدوا أيضاً

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لغة: إنكليزي
طبعة: 1
حجم: 24×17
مجلدات: 1

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