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تعليقات الخاصة بـ Sargon
حصاد ثورة (مذكرات) تجربة السلطة في العراق - عبد الكريم فرحان   I like it - 24/03/2011
an excellent book, the author Mr. Farhan is describing in details the critical period of Iraq history from 1958-1968
العراق، البيرية المسلحة، حركة حسن سريع وقطار الموت 1963 - علي كريم سعيد   Good to know - 24/03/2011
Not many Iraqis know about this coup, which was organised and executed by an Army corporal, a great book worth to be add to your library
مذكرات رؤوف البحراني ؛ لمحات عن وضع العراق منذ تأسيس الحكم الوطني عام 1920م ولغاية عام 1963م - محمد حسين الزبيدي   Not very inetersting - 24/03/2011
Not as expected, memoirs have lack of details, comparing with Mr. Musa Shabender ..mudhakarat Baghdadiya who covered on the same period with the author 1941-1943 of The south Africa detention centre life style, I said comparing with this book Mr. shabender book was an awesome epic ,