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English Books
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حسابك لائحة الأمنيات عربة التسوق نشرة الإصدارات
The Work of Creation: Selected Prose
لـ Luke Hankins
The Games People Play: Theology, Religion, and Sport
لـ Robert Ellis
Esther and Her Elusive God: How a Secular Story Functions as Scripture
لـ John Anthony Dunne
The Irish Puritans: James Ussher and the Reformation of the Church
لـ Crawford Gribben
Why Did Jesus Die?: What the Bible Says about the Cross
لـ Dick Tripp
Mission in the Gospels
لـ R Geoffrey Harris
Read Mark and Learn: Following Mark's Jesus
لـ Derek Tovey
Preaching Through Luke: The Gospel as Catechism
لـ James C Goodloe
Stories of Transformation and Hope: Mary's Gospel
لـ Irene Alexander