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English Books
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La petite fille et la souris
لـ Rabah Kheddouci
Beni misra - BLIDA - La terre des hommes libres
لـ Rabah kheddouci
KHEDDOUCI Rabah… Né le 16.12.1955 à Béni Misra (Atlas Blidéen). Algérie ‎
‎ Inspecteur de l’éducation et de l’enseignement, Fondateur de la maison d’édition “El- Hadhara” et la revue ‎culturelle ...إقرأ المزيد »
The car Ti-Ti
لـ Rabah Kheddouci
It is an educative and purposeful story for children. It depicts the differences in tastes and colors, and how creative children suggest a bright solution to a given issue. Then, it is about a family ...إقرأ المزيد »
le viel homme etrange
لـ Rabah Kheddouci
لـ Rabah Kheddouci
All the people did not like her. This was what Samira thought of. Was she right? This is an educative and very moving story, told by way of beautiful and significant...إقرأ المزيد »
لـ Rabah Kheddouci
Through beautiful and meaningful drawings, these educative stories for kids intend to develop the imagination of the child. They also build the awareness and the complete personality of the child....إقرأ المزيد »
لـ Rabah Kheddouci
Believe it or not, there is a mouse in our house. What happened to the girl Naima whom the mouse kissed? This is a moving story, with beautiful and meaningful drawings. It depicts the importance of cl...إقرأ المزيد »
The girl who sells the bread
لـ Rabah Kheddouci
It is a historical story meant for children with easy language. It shows how coincidence can change the path of a human life, and how a human makes a durable living by a hand-made work. So, a little g...إقرأ المزيد »
لـ Rabah Kheddouci
What kind of gift did the father offer to his son Zohir following his success at school? And what did he find inside it? This an exciting story adorned with beautiful and meaningful illustrations, an...إقرأ المزيد »
The garden of wolves
لـ Rabah Kheddouci
It is a meaningful story of possible cohabitation between humans and animals in total peace. In this tale, a man and his wife lived in the countryside. They had devised a plan to eliminateboth the wol...إقرأ المزيد »