ترتيب حسب:
نبذة الناشر:After the notable success of the fortieth esoteric publication in Arabic “TIME AND ITS UNKNOWN DIMENSIONS”, written by Dr. Joseph B. Majdalani (JBM), the book is translated into Engli...
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نبذة الناشر:In the wake of the success of the Esoteric publications in Arabic: "A WISE MASTER’S LETTER TO HIS DISCIPLES" and "REINCARNATION – A REALITY OR AN ILLUSION?!" by Joseph B. Majdalani (JB...
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نبذة الناشر:"THE INTITIATE OF THE AQUARIAN AGE" is the fourth esoteric publication in English, in addition to forty three books in Arabic and one in French, and another in Spanish… all written by D...
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نبذة الناشر:In truth, very few have written on the subject of the science of colours, the role colours play in man’s self-knowledge, their influence on his personality, inquiring into their relatio...
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