لقد تمت الاضافة بنجاح
تعديل العربة إتمام عملية الشراء
كتب ورقية
كتب الكترونية
كتب صوتية
English Books
أطفال وناشئة
وسائل تعليمية
متجر الهدايا
شحن مجاني
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حسابك لائحة الأمنيات عربة التسوق نشرة الإصدارات
تعليقات الخاصة بـ Al beit alandaloussi
القاهرة الصغيرة - عمارة لخوص   AlQahira Assaghira - 28/05/2011
An interesting and amusing plot that the writer wanted to introduce through two main characters and deals with the topic of the era: Terrorism. The story give you an insight about the daily life of the Arab community abroad and the obstacles they face in a lifestyle different from their, however, the sense of humor is always there!!!Enjoy it.....
الأسود يليق بك - أحلام مستغانمي   A masterpiece - 25/02/2013
This book is an invitation to travel in discovering other cultures, notably the Algerian culture, through the CD that comes with a book, expressing idyllic love and suffer from abandonment through a musical heritage of the Aures . If you would like to explore a culture from deep inside the Algerian inlands through principles, such as pride, honor and the power to survive during 10 years of terrorism that shape the personality of the characters, it is definitely an outstanding book with an elegant narration, ornated with poetry and metaphores throughout the book.Thank you again Ahlam!